To download the workshop schedule in a matrix format, showing which talks are in which areas (and helping you plan by showing you color-coded groups), click the image below. The resultant printable PDF is 173kb.
We also have vendor workshops available. The vendors are still signing up for the workshops and will continue until the convention or until the slots are filled. Please follow this link to see all of the vendor workshops in one place.
Friday 8:30 - 9:15 |
Steve Scheibner |  | Living on Borrowed Time, The Nine Practices of The Proactive Parent |
William Federer |  | The Fall of the Roman Empire and the Courageous Story of St. Patrick |
Diane Kummer |  | Developing a Plan for High School: Sample 4-Year Plans |
Jobe Martin |  | Incredible Creatures that Proclaim Creation |
Dean Ortner |  | Light: Music On Lasers and Talking Flashlights |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
Friday 9:30 - 10:15 |
Todd Wilson |  | This, We Believe! |
Debra Bell |  | 21st Century Homeschooling |
Carol Topp |  | 30+ Micro Business Ideas for Teens (and Parents!) |
Bruce Eagleson |  | You Can Do It! Getting Started Part 1 |
Sara Rask |  | How to be a Unit Study P.R.O. |
My Father's World |
Veritas Press, Inc. |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
Liberty Tutorials |
Friday 10:30 - 11:15 |
Turansky & Miller |  | Helping Children Deal with Anger |
William Federer |  | Miracles in American History - Amazing Stories of Answered Prayer |
Diane Kummer |  | High School Transcript Clinic: Practical Help and Tips |
Renee Miller |  | Homeschooling on a Budget??!! |
Sarah Mae |  | Avoiding Burn Out: Choosing Your Life So You Don't Grow Weary in Your Kingdom Work |
Classical Conversations |
Youth Digital |
Institute for Excellence in Writing |
Demme Learning/Math-U-See |
Friday 11:30 - 12:15 |
Megan Scheibner |  | The A to Z of a Character Healthy Homeschool |
Debra Bell |  | Developing Creative and Critical Thinking Skills |
Jonathan Brush |  | Debt Free Degree |
Mike Snavely |  | Spiders! |
Dean Ortner |  | Making Liquid Light and Why White Light Isn't White! |
Essentials in Writing |
RightStart Mathematics by Activities for Learning, Inc. |
BJU Press/HomeWorks by Precept |
Carol Topp |  | Top(p) Ten Tips for Running a Homeschool Organization (Support Group Leader's meeting) |
Aaron Burns |  | From the Backyard to the Big Screen |
Scott Eash |  | Polycarp |
Friday 12:30 - 1:15 |
Todd Wilson |  | Get REAL! |
Sara Rask |  | Opening the Window to Foreign Language in Your Home |
Diane Kummer |  | Important Pit Stops During High School |
Donnie Rosie |  | Dad is Really Important - Supported by Fact |
Dewitt Black |  | Pennsylvania's New Homeschool Law |
Samaritan Ministries |
Logic of English |
Biblical Discipleship Ministries |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
Aaron Burns |  | From the Backyard to the Big Screen |
Scott Eash |  | Polycarp |
Friday 1:30 - 2:15 |
Turansky & Miller |  | Dealing with ADHD: A Heart-Based Approach |
William Federer |  | Change to Chains - the 6,000 year Quest for Global Power |
Jonathan Brush |  | Raise an Adult, Not a Child |
Rick Beideman |  | Learn about Robotics |
Sarah Mae |  | The 50¢ Homeschool |
ALERT Academy |
Essentials in Writing |
Rosetta Stone Ltd. |
TAI, Inc. |
Friday 2:30 - 3:15 |
Todd Wilson |  | Lies Homeschoolers Believe |
Debra Bell |  | Motivating the Reluctant Learner |
Diane Kummer |  | The College Application Process: The Homeschooled Student's Guide |
Bruce Eagleson |  | You Can Do It! Getting Started Part 2 |
Sara Rask |  | Cooking in the Classroom |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
Apologia |
ShillerMath: Montessori Math at Home |
Reserved for CHAP use |
Friday 3:30 - 4:15 |
Turansky & Miller |  | Homeschooling is Heart Work |
Megan Scheibner |  | The Toddler Toolbox |
Panel |  | Panel on the New Homeschool Law |
Jobe Martin |  | The Evolution of a Creationist |
Dean Ortner |  | Inverting Goggles & A Stammering Machine |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
Friday 7:00 - 8:30 |
Saturday 8:30 - 9:15 |
Steve Scheibner |  | Character Matters |
William Federer |  | The Interesting History of Income Tax - and Its Impact on Religious Freedom |
Diane Kummer |  | Building on a Sure Foundation: Staying the Course through High School |
Barb Beideman |  | Getting Started Homeschooling |
Dean Ortner |  | Floating Metal, Gyro Suitcase & Chemical Reactions |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
Veritas Press, Inc. |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
Saturday 9:30 - 10:15 |
Todd Wilson |  | An Unbeatable Team (for husbands and wives) |
Debra Bell |  | Raising an Independent Learner |
Andrew Lewis |  | Introduction to American Government for the Christian Statesman |
Jobe Martin |  | Biblically Handling Technology and Social Media |
Colton & Karen Weber |  | Special Needs Round-table Discussion - Welcome to the Special Needs Club! |
My Father's World |
Essentials in Writing |
Risas y Sonrisas - Spanish for Kids |
CollegePlus |
Saturday 10:30 - 11:15 |
Turansky & Miller |  | Sibling Conflict is a Child's First Class in Relationship School |
William Federer |  | Islamic Conquest - Past & Present - Political Islam's 1,400 year War on the West |
Diane Kummer |  | Record Keeping for High School Simplifying the Process |
Renee Miller |  | Hands-On, Happy Preschoolers and Energetic, Excited Early Learners |
Sarah Mae |  | Type B Homeschooling Mom: Encouragement for the Detail and Organizationally Challenged Mom |
Youth Digital |
Institute for Excellence in Writing |
Demme Learning/Math-U-See |
Medical Transcription Service |
Saturday 11:30 - 12:15 |
Steve and Megan Scheibner |  | Marriage, Communication, and Friendship |
Debra Bell |  | Study-Smart Student Strategies |
Jonathan Brush |  | Critical Skills Your Child Needs to be Successful |
Mike Snavely |  | The Stricken Earth |
Dean Ortner |  | A Frozen Shadow, Voice From Planet 'X' & Recording On a Welding Rod |
Samaritan Ministries |
Logic of English |
Classical Conversations |
Reserved for CHAP use |
Aaron Burns |  | From the Backyard to the Big Screen |
Scott Eash |  | Polycarp |
Saturday 12:30 - 1:15 |
Todd Wilson |  | Don't Tell me WHAT you Believe...LIVE IT! |
Bruce Eagleson |  | Does God Want You to Homeschool? |
Diane Kummer |  | The Scoop on Tests for Teens |
Donnie Rosie |  | 15 Marketing Ideas - Practical Advice for Entrepreneurs |
Sarah Mae |  | Getting Through the Fog: 8 Things I Wish I Would Have Known Sooner About Mothering in the Little Years |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
HSLDA Online Academy |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
Aaron Burns |  | From the Backyard to the Big Screen |
Scott Eash |  | Polycarp |
Saturday 1:30 - 2:15 |
Turansky & Miller |  | Teaching Children to Respond Well to Correction |
William Federer |  | Backfired - A Nation Born for Religious Tolerance No Longer Tolerates the Religion of Its Founders |
Sara Rask |  | Entering the High School Zone |
Jobe Martin |  | Discipleship in the Family Starts with Dads |
Jonathan Brush |  | Ten Crucial Years |
Wings to Soar Online Academy |
Apologia |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
Saturday 2:30 - 3:15 |
Todd Wilson |  | Answers for the Homeschool Critics in Your Life...even when it's you |
Debra Bell |  | Homeschooling Teens |
Diane Kummer |  | You Can Homeschool High School...If You Can Make It Through Tomorrow |
Renee Miller |  | Art - The Glue That Makes it Stick! |
Bruce Eagleson |  | Volunteering with CHAP |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
Saturday 3:30 - 4:15 |
Turansky & Miller |  | Understanding Attitudes in Children and How to Change Them |
Megan Scheibner |  | The Character Conscious Mom |
Panel |  | "High School and After" Panel |
Andrew Lewis |  | Christian Statesmanship |
Dean Ortner |  | Million Volts: Illustrates the Scientific Necessity of Being Born Again |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
Vendor Sessions TBA when finalized - follow this link to see the vendor workshops that have already been reserved |
To download the workshop schedule in a matrix format, showing which talks are in which areas (and helping you plan by showing you color-coded groups), click the image below. The resultant printable PDF is 173kb.
We also have vendor workshops available. The vendors are still signing up for the workshops and will continue until the convention or until the slots are filled. Please follow this link to see all of the vendor workshops in one place.